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Faith Formation and Discipleship Ministries

The Linked Roman Catholic Communities of St. Patrick and St. Thomas Aquinas
9 Leroy Street
Binghamton, NY 13905

At St. Patrick and St. Thomas Aquinas, we know that growing as a disciple and developing our relationship with Jesus are at the center of being Catholic. Being a disciple is not a one-time decision. Rather, discipleship is about living a life following the teachings of Jesus and learning to love and trust him more with each passing day.

Through our Faith Formation and Discipleship Ministries, we aim to provide a nurturing environment where individuals of all ages can encounter God's love, delve into the richness of Catholic teachings, and strengthen their walk of discipleship. We offer a variety of programs, including children’s faith formation classes, Bible studies, sacramental preparation, OCIA, and spiritual retreats, all designed to equip our parishioners to live out their faith in their daily lives. By fostering a sense of belonging and growth, we provide opportunities for our members to share their faith experiences, pray together, and engage in acts of service and evangelization.

Whether you are taking your first steps in faith or seeking to deepen your relationship with God, we welcome you to join our Faith Formation and Discipleship Ministries.

And if you’re interested in volunteering, please make sure to fill out the contact form below. No matter your background or expertise, there are opportunities for everyone to contribute their time and talents to these transformative ministries. Whether you can commit to a weekly session or offer occasional assistance, your contribution will be valued and appreciated!

Faith Formation and Discipleship Ministries

No matter the time of year, there is always an opportunity at our parish to grow in our relationship with Jesus. No matter where you’re at, there is something here for you to grow with. For example, we offer a Wednesday morning Bible study, Catholic book clubs, and a watch group for Christian film and shows like The Chosen. If you would like to help out with an existing program, start a new program, or get involved in one of our ongoing studies, use the contact form below to get in touch!

During the school year, we offer Faith Formation classes for kids ages K-10th Grade. Through these classes, we also prepare students for their Sacraments - First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. If you are interested in registering a child for classes, or if you would like to help out, see the contact form below and we’ll be in touch!

A new baby is a wonderful gift to a family. But with the joy comes big changes and new stresses. Often, we also begin to ask ourselves questions we may have never thought of before - especially about God, religion, and how to raise our kids well. We want our new baby to grow up to be truly happy and fulfilled and to know that their lives are full of value and meaning. Baptism is the start of your baby’s journey to a happy and fulfilling life. If you would like for your baby to be baptized, fill out the form below to get started.

Getting married can be a lot of work. There are venues to book, invitations to send, and family expectations to balance. We spend so much time getting ready for the “big day” that we often neglect what comes next - the rest of our lives. Marriage preparation is about getting ready for the rest of your lives together. If you are interested in getting married at our parish, please use the contact form below to get started.

The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is our process for becoming Catholic, or receiving your sacraments of initiation, as an adult. If you’re looking to become Catholic or if life got in the way and you never received Confirmation, OCIA is the place for you! Fill out the contact form below to get started.

If you would like to volunteer as a sponsor or to assist with the OCIA program, that contact form is also for you.

Being a young adult can be lonely. It is often difficult to find people who share our faith and values in the world around us. If you would like more information on what is available at our parish for young adults, or if you’d like to assist with putting on these events and programs, please fill out the contact form below.