Children's Ministry

“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” 

Matthew 19:14 (RSVCE)

It is as true today as it was in the time of Jesus that children are often underestimated. There persists a belief that children are not equipped to contemplate deep, spiritual matters, and that their intellects cannot grasp profound concepts or engage in introspection. Consequently, they are advised to set aside thoughts of such magnitude, as if these subjects and ideas were exclusive to adults.

Nevertheless, this perspective is in contrast to Jesus' own words. Quite the opposite, in fact. As revealed in Matthew 18:3-4, Jesus imparts, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (RSVCE). Jesus doesn't demand that a child mature to access the Kingdom; instead, he asserts that it's the adults who should emulate the child's qualities.

Aligned with Jesus' teachings, we firmly believe that each child possesses an immeasurable capacity for God, an attribute that is not constrained but rather enriched by their innocence and humility. To cultivate the faith of these young individuals, we offer an array of programs designed to steer and foster their spiritual growth. We invite you to explore our offerings and reach out if you have any questions.

What we do

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program embraces a child-led approach rooted in Montessori principles, aiming to cultivate children's discipleship. The program's core goal is to create an environment known as the "atrium," a sacred space where children can independently engage with carefully designed materials representing essential aspects of the Gospel. By allowing children to choose and work with these materials at their own pace, the program empowers them to explore profound concepts such as scripture, liturgy, and the sacraments, fostering a deep, personal relationship to Jesus, the good shepherd, and nurturing their innate sense of wonder and spirituality. 

We are currently looking for volunteers to go through the training or build materials for the atrium. If you are interested, contact Peg Gaska at

Our K-6 Faith Formation program, centered around the Finding God series from Loyola Press, offers a comprehensive and engaging curriculum for young learners. The program guides children through age-appropriate lessons, stories, and activities that foster a deep understanding of their faith and its relevance to their lives. With a focus on interactive exploration, the Finding God series encourages children to embrace their spirituality, grow in their relationship with God, and develop a strong foundation for their ongoing journey of faith.

In the upper grades, our catechists present topics from the acclaimed Great Adventure curriculum which explores Sacred Scripture in greater depth - especially as it pertains to understanding God’s Covenants with mankind.

These classes are on Sunday Mornings at 10 AM at St. Patrick and run from September through May.

If you are interested in volunteering or in registering your child for this program, contact Peg Gaska at [email protected].

We may know Sacraments as external signs of an invisible reality - which they are. But, when speaking of the Seven Sacraments specifically, they are so much more than that. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that the Sacraments bring about what they signify - they have the effect that they point to. So, baptism truly cleanses our souls, Eucharist is a true reception of the true body and blood of Christ, etc. Such holy moments require careful preparation.

In the Diocese of Syracuse, children seeking Sacraments of Initiation must fulfill specific requirements as part of their preparation. These include but are not limited to, attending a six-week preparatory class, participating in a parish-hosted retreat, and engaging in service activities.

The timing of sacramental reception varies. First Communion and Reconciliation are typically administered around the age of seven or during second grade. At St. Patrick and St. Thomas Aquinas, Confirmation takes place at approximately sixteen years of age, around tenth grade.

However, individual circumstances may lead to sacramental reception occurring earlier or later than the customary age. To accommodate such cases, we provide a distinct preparation opportunity known as the "Order of Christian Initiation for Children." This program is tailored for those who were unable to undergo preparation during the standard period.

If you would like your child to begin Sacramental Preparation, contact Peg Gaska at [email protected].

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a tailor-made experience of the Sunday readings designed to help children understand and engage with the Word of God. The children will hear the readings in age-appropriate language, reflect on the readings, and do a simple activity to help them unpack the meaning.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word runs seasonally and usually begins in the Fall and ends in the Spring.

If you would like more information, or if you would like to volunteer, contact Peg Gaska at [email protected] .

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is an engaging and enriching summer program designed to deepen a child’s understanding of Jesus and the Catholic faith with fun activities, games, snacks, and experiences. VBS offers a safe and welcoming environment where children can explore and deepen their faith while fostering important values such as teamwork, compassion, and kindness. Throughout the week-long program, kids participate in a variety of age-appropriate activities, including crafts, games, songs, and interactive lessons that revolve around key biblical stories and teachings. VBS not only offers an opportunity for children to grow spiritually but also helps them form lasting friendships and a sense of community, making it a wonderful choice for parents seeking a positive and faith-centered summer activity for their children.

St. Patrick, St. Thomas Aquinas, Church of the Holy Trinity, Ss. Cyril and Methodius, and St. James work together to put on a VBS program every summer at St. James parish in Johnson City.

If you would like to get involved or sign up, contact Peg Gaska at [email protected] .  

Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Calendar