April 11, 2024

Holy Hour 

All are invited to join Seminarians John Brusa and Joseph Ryan on the evening before their Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate for a Eucharistic Holy Hour for the Increase in Answered Vocations to Priesthood. The Holy Hour will include Evening Prayer and Benediction.
The following day, on Saturday, May 18th at 10AM, these two men will be ordained by Bishop Lucia to the Sacred Order of Deacon as they enter their final year of seminary studies.

John Brusa III is a seminarian from Holy Family Parish in Fairmount and studies at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
Joseph Ryan is a seminarian from St. Patrick's Parish in Binghamton and studies at St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland.
Please join the Diocese of Syracuse as we joyfully celebrate the ordination of these two men on the path to priesthood.